
How To Create Pdf Template In Java

Create a new Java project "de.vogella.itext.write" with the package "de.vogella.itext.write". Create a folder "lib" and put the iText library (jar file) into this folder. Add the jar to your classpath.

Create the following class "" . I assume that the code is pretty much self-explaining. I tried to add lots of comments to make it easier to understand. For more complex examples have a look at the iText Homepage.

                          package              de.vogella.itext.write              ;              import                  ;              import              java.util.Date              ;              import              com.itextpdf.text.Anchor              ;              import              com.itextpdf.text.BadElementException              ;              import              com.itextpdf.text.BaseColor              ;              import              com.itextpdf.text.Chapter              ;              import              com.itextpdf.text.Document              ;              import              com.itextpdf.text.DocumentException              ;              import              com.itextpdf.text.Element              ;              import              com.itextpdf.text.Font              ;              import              com.itextpdf.text.List              ;              import              com.itextpdf.text.ListItem              ;              import              com.itextpdf.text.Paragraph              ;              import              com.itextpdf.text.Phrase              ;              import              com.itextpdf.text.Section              ;              import              com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfPCell              ;              import              com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfPTable              ;              import              com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfWriter              ;              public              class              FirstPdf              {              private              static              String              FILE              =              "c:/temp/FirstPdf.pdf"              ;              private              static              Font              catFont              =              new              Font              (              Font              .              FontFamily              .              TIMES_ROMAN              ,              18              ,              Font              .              BOLD              );              private              static              Font              redFont              =              new              Font              (              Font              .              FontFamily              .              TIMES_ROMAN              ,              12              ,              Font              .              NORMAL              ,              BaseColor              .              RED              );              private              static              Font              subFont              =              new              Font              (              Font              .              FontFamily              .              TIMES_ROMAN              ,              16              ,              Font              .              BOLD              );              private              static              Font              smallBold              =              new              Font              (              Font              .              FontFamily              .              TIMES_ROMAN              ,              12              ,              Font              .              BOLD              );              public              static              void              main              (              String              []              args              )              {              try              {              Document              document              =              new              Document              ();              PdfWriter              .              getInstance              (              document              ,              new              FileOutputStream              (              FILE              ));              document              .              open              ();              addMetaData              (              document              );              addTitlePage              (              document              );              addContent              (              document              );              document              .              close              ();              }              catch              (              Exception              e              )              {              e              .              printStackTrace              ();              }              }              // iText allows to add metadata to the PDF which can be viewed in your Adobe              // Reader              // under File -> Properties              private              static              void              addMetaData              (              Document              document              )              {              document              .              addTitle              (              "My first PDF"              );              document              .              addSubject              (              "Using iText"              );              document              .              addKeywords              (              "Java, PDF, iText"              );              document              .              addAuthor              (              "Lars Vogel"              );              document              .              addCreator              (              "Lars Vogel"              );              }              private              static              void              addTitlePage              (              Document              document              )              throws              DocumentException              {              Paragraph              preface              =              new              Paragraph              ();              // We add one empty line              addEmptyLine              (              preface              ,              1              );              // Lets write a big header              preface              .              add              (              new              Paragraph              (              "Title of the document"              ,              catFont              ));              addEmptyLine              (              preface              ,              1              );              // Will create: Report generated by: _name, _date              preface              .              add              (              new              Paragraph              (              "Report generated by: "              +              System              .              getProperty              (              ""              )              +              ", "              +              new              Date              (),              //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$              smallBold              ));              addEmptyLine              (              preface              ,              3              );              preface              .              add              (              new              Paragraph              (              "This document describes something which is very important "              ,              smallBold              ));              addEmptyLine              (              preface              ,              8              );              preface              .              add              (              new              Paragraph              (              "This document is a preliminary version and not subject to your license agreement or any other agreement with ;-)."              ,              redFont              ));              document              .              add              (              preface              );              // Start a new page              document              .              newPage              ();              }              private              static              void              addContent              (              Document              document              )              throws              DocumentException              {              Anchor              anchor              =              new              Anchor              (              "First Chapter"              ,              catFont              );              anchor              .              setName              (              "First Chapter"              );              // Second parameter is the number of the chapter              Chapter              catPart              =              new              Chapter              (              new              Paragraph              (              anchor              ),              1              );              Paragraph              subPara              =              new              Paragraph              (              "Subcategory 1"              ,              subFont              );              Section              subCatPart              =              catPart              .              addSection              (              subPara              );              subCatPart              .              add              (              new              Paragraph              (              "Hello"              ));              subPara              =              new              Paragraph              (              "Subcategory 2"              ,              subFont              );              subCatPart              =              catPart              .              addSection              (              subPara              );              subCatPart              .              add              (              new              Paragraph              (              "Paragraph 1"              ));              subCatPart              .              add              (              new              Paragraph              (              "Paragraph 2"              ));              subCatPart              .              add              (              new              Paragraph              (              "Paragraph 3"              ));              // add a list              createList              (              subCatPart              );              Paragraph              paragraph              =              new              Paragraph              ();              addEmptyLine              (              paragraph              ,              5              );              subCatPart              .              add              (              paragraph              );              // add a table              createTable              (              subCatPart              );              // now add all this to the document              document              .              add              (              catPart              );              // Next section              anchor              =              new              Anchor              (              "Second Chapter"              ,              catFont              );              anchor              .              setName              (              "Second Chapter"              );              // Second parameter is the number of the chapter              catPart              =              new              Chapter              (              new              Paragraph              (              anchor              ),              1              );              subPara              =              new              Paragraph              (              "Subcategory"              ,              subFont              );              subCatPart              =              catPart              .              addSection              (              subPara              );              subCatPart              .              add              (              new              Paragraph              (              "This is a very important message"              ));              // now add all this to the document              document              .              add              (              catPart              );              }              private              static              void              createTable              (              Section              subCatPart              )              throws              BadElementException              {              PdfPTable              table              =              new              PdfPTable              (              3              );              // t.setBorderColor(BaseColor.GRAY);              // t.setPadding(4);              // t.setSpacing(4);              // t.setBorderWidth(1);              PdfPCell              c1              =              new              PdfPCell              (              new              Phrase              (              "Table Header 1"              ));              c1              .              setHorizontalAlignment              (              Element              .              ALIGN_CENTER              );              table              .              addCell              (              c1              );              c1              =              new              PdfPCell              (              new              Phrase              (              "Table Header 2"              ));              c1              .              setHorizontalAlignment              (              Element              .              ALIGN_CENTER              );              table              .              addCell              (              c1              );              c1              =              new              PdfPCell              (              new              Phrase              (              "Table Header 3"              ));              c1              .              setHorizontalAlignment              (              Element              .              ALIGN_CENTER              );              table              .              addCell              (              c1              );              table              .              setHeaderRows              (              1              );              table              .              addCell              (              "1.0"              );              table              .              addCell              (              "1.1"              );              table              .              addCell              (              "1.2"              );              table              .              addCell              (              "2.1"              );              table              .              addCell              (              "2.2"              );              table              .              addCell              (              "2.3"              );              subCatPart              .              add              (              table              );              }              private              static              void              createList              (              Section              subCatPart              )              {              List              list              =              new              List              (              true              ,              false              ,              10              );              list              .              add              (              new              ListItem              (              "First point"              ));              list              .              add              (              new              ListItem              (              "Second point"              ));              list              .              add              (              new              ListItem              (              "Third point"              ));              subCatPart              .              add              (              list              );              }              private              static              void              addEmptyLine              (              Paragraph              paragraph              ,              int              number              )              {              for              (              int              i              =              0              ;              i              <              number              ;              i              ++)              {              paragraph              .              add              (              new              Paragraph              (              " "              ));              }              }              }                      

The resulting pdf should look like the following.


How To Create Pdf Template In Java


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