How To Create Attachment Column In Sharepoint List
Working with lists supports the following list types:
Note: Throughout this documentation, item means a list item of any list type.
List item actions:
Right-click a list item and click:
- Open to open item properties. This command is not available for Link items.
- Navigate to Location to open the link. This command is only available for Link items.
- View Properties to open item properties. This command is only available for Link items.
- Edit to edit the item.
- Open in Browser to view the SharePoint item in your Web browser.
- Copy > Link to place the item name with a hyperlink to its SharePoint location on the Clipboard.
- Copy > Address to place the URL of the item on the Clipboard.
- Share to share the item with other users.
- Shared with to view with whom this item is shared.
- Delete to delete the item from SharePoint.
Some of the operations can be performed on more than one selected item.
To open item properties:
Find the required item, and double click its name, or right-click item and select Open. For Link items only - right-click and select View Properties.
The Item Details window opens and displays the item specific details:
- The header shows the item name.
- The properties are listed by their SharePoint order. Each property name is followed by its value.
- For Multiple lines of text properties, defined with rich text and enhanced rich text, a View More... link appears when hovering over the property. Click it to view its content in a browser.
- View the item's attachments.
- The people who Created and Modified the item, along with the creation and modification times, are listed at the bottom of the Item Info window. Click a user name to open their business card.
- Properties of type Person or Group can also be clicked to view the person's business card.
- Click the Edit button to edit the item.
- Click the Close button to close the item.
To create a new list item:
Follow the directions in Creating new documents, items, and folders.
To edit a SharePoint list item:
- View the list item, and click the Edit button.
- or -
Select the required list item(s), right-click and select Edit. - Edit the item information, as required.
Notes:- The header shows the item name. If multiple items are selected, the header says Multiple Items... (x items). Hover over this text to view the names of the selected items.
- Properties marked with a red dot (
) are mandatory. You cannot save the item if they are left empty.
- The value <Multiple Values> indicates that this property has different values in the selected items.
- Click the value box of simple property types, such as Single line of text, Number, Date and Time, or Currency to edit their value inline.
- For properties of types Choice, Yes/No, and Date and Time, click the down arrow to select a value.
- For more advanced property types, such as Multiple lines of text, Person or Group, Lookup, or Managed Metadata, click the ellipsis (...) next to the property value to open a dialog from which you can edit the value.
- Add or remove attachments.
- The header shows the item name. If multiple items are selected, the header says Multiple Items... (x items). Hover over this text to view the names of the selected items.
- Click Save to save and close the item.
- or -
Click Cancel to close the Edit Item window without saving any changes.
To view an attachment:
If the current view defines the Attachments column, the attachment icon () indicates if the item contains an attachment or not.
- View the list item.
- View the Attachments property at the bottom of the properties list.
- Double-click an attachment, or right-click it and select Open, to view the attachment.
To add an attachment to a list item:
Note: The list must be configured to support attachments.
- Edit the list item.
- Click the Add button (
) in the Attachment property.
- Select the document(s) you want to attach and click Open.
- Click Save to save and close the item.
- or -
- Find the list.
- Drag and drop the document(s) from your email or from your computer onto the item you wish to attach the document(s) to.
Note: The attachment should be dragged onto a closed item, displayed in the list view.
To remove an attachment:
- Edit the list item.
- Right-click the attachment and select Remove, or click the Remove button (
) next to the attachment you want to remove.
- Click Save to save and close the item.
How To Create Attachment Column In Sharepoint List
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